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HMRC advisory fuel rates for 2023
22 March 2023 - 2 min read

HMRC advisory fuel rates for 2023

HMRC updates the fuel advisory rates four times a year. The reviewed rates are based on current fuel prices. 

The advisory fuel rates are to be used in only two specific instances:

  • When an employer reimburses an employee for business travel in a company car
  • When an employee reimburses an employer for private travel in a company car

If you wish to read a more in-depth explanation of how AFR works, you can read our dictionary article about HMRC advisory fuel rates.

The updated HMRC fuel advisory rates for 2023 take effect on the following four dates: 

  • 1st of March
  • 1st of June
  • 1st of September
  • 1st of December

HMRC fuel advisory rates for March, April and May 2023

Below you will find the rates for petrol, diesel, LPG, and electric vehicles from HMRC. The AFR are per mile. You will notice that the rates vary depending on the engine displacement of the car.


Engine displacement (cc) Advisory fuel rate
Up to 1400 cc 13 pence
1401 to 2000 cc 15 pence
Over 2000 cc 23 pence


Engine displacement (cc) Advisory fuel rate
Up to 1600 cc 13 pence
1601 to 2000 cc 15 pence
Over 2000 cc 20 pence

LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) 

Engine displacement (cc) Advisory fuel rate
Up to 1400 cc 10 pence
1401 to 2000 cc 11 pence
Over 2000 cc 17 pence


The HMRC advisory rate for electric cars has risen from 8 pence per mile to 9 pence from March 1st 2023. 

If you drive a hybrid car, you have to use the advisory fuel rate for either petrol or diesel, depending on the car in question. 


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When claiming or providing reimbursement, you are required to keep an accurate record of your travel. If you don’t, you run the risk that HMRC considers your reimbursement a benefit, and therefore taxing it as income. 

To ensure that your records are HMRC compliant we advise that you use an automated mileage logbook like the one we have developed here at Driversnote.


As long as the reimbursement is done at or below the HMRC advisory fuel rate for 2023, the reimbursement is not taxed. If the employee however is reimbursed at a higher rate than the HMRC advises, the excess is considered taxable profit and as earnings for Class 1 National Insurance purposes - unless you have proof that the higher reimbursement is because your actual cost per mile is higher than the AFR.
No, companies are not required to use the Advisory Fuel Rates (AFR). However, if a company chooses to reimburse its employees for fuel expenses using a different rate, they must be able to justify the rate used. Using the AFR rates simplifies the reimbursement process and reduces the risk of tax complications.

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